Veggies and Fruit Fight Depression
Fruits and veggies win! People who eat vegetables and fruit tend to have better mental health than those who avoid these foods. Learn more!
Top 4 Features for Fitness Tech Engagement
Fitness technologies include wearables, such as watches, rings, and heart rate straps. With all of these fitness tech options, which is best?
Pregnancy Costs are Reflecting Heart Health
Pregnancy changes the heart, and during pregnancy, the heart and blood vessels re-organize. Staying well is important for health and cost.
Active Employees Improve Business Success
Helping your employees adopt an active lifestyle supports your bottom line and their overall health. Learn healthy approaches, tips and more!
Viral Infections During Pregnancy
Pregnant women are exposed to many viral infections that can activate their immune system. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the human body.
Top 3 Brain Benefits from High Effort Exercise
High intensity workouts can benefit both the body and the brain. Learn more about exercise intensity and the top 3 brain benefits.
How Metabolism Changes Based on Eating Frequency
In the 90s, frequent eating was said to boost metabolism. But, several studies tested this idea. Learn how eating impact your metabolism.
Breathe Better for Your Brain: Apnea and Memory
How you breathe changes how you think by influencing brain activity. Every inhale and exhale supports learning and memory!
Eating at the Right Times
The timing of when we eat is emerging as a hot area of research. Learn more about mealtime spacing and if it works for you.
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