Electrolyte Supplements: Help or Hype?
Do electrolyte supplements really help us avoid cramps and exhaustion? Experts weight in, and the results may surprise you!
Late Eating Makes You Hungrier
Hunger can derail our focus, but adjusting eating times can help. The reason is because late eating makes you hungrier. Learn more here!
4 Ways to Keep Nutrition Top of Mind at Work
Talking about wellness at work can help create a supportive environment at the workplace. Inspire the conversation with these 4 ways!
Cravings for Processed Food: Surprisingly Common
Do you experience cravings for processed food? Cravings are surprisingly common and may be part of food addiction. Learn how to address them!
Diabetes After a Viral Infection
Diabetes diagnoses increased after COVID. Inflammation and damage to organs leads to blood sugar problems as insulin release is impaired.
The Subtle Slow Down: How Obesity and Depression Influence Thinking
As body fat percentage rises, inflammation also increases. Learn more about inflammation and how it affects our thinking and the body.
Social Media Use Changes Young Brains
Social media is a chance to see how your ideas or contributions are received, and this lure is affecting younger ages more than ever before.
The Top 3 Growth Mindset Myths to Avoid
We each have beliefs about self-improvement and personal progress. Learn how a growth mindset can help you reach your goals and more!
It May Be Time for a Shorter Eating Window
Why is a shorter eating window good us? Learn all the benefits mealtime spacing and why we should track our eating patterns for good health.
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