Brain health reflects our lifestyle habits, and those who have healthier routines are better able to maintain thinking abilities as they age. This includes recalling important events, because healthy habits benefits learning and memory. In fact, a 2023 large-scale study on over twenty-thousand individuals asked how memory abilities change over a decade of life. The result? With more healthy habits came more protection from memory impairment.
The top healthy habits in the research study were: regular exercise, making healthier food choices, maintaining social connections, and avoiding drinking and smoking. Of course, we can change these habits at any age and reap some benefits, but the benefits are even greater the earlier we start. Many studies support the idea that what we do can change how the brain functions, so even though lifestyle adjustments are not easy, they are worth the effort.
Memory matters, and those who are older are more likely to notice minor lapses. Beginning in our sixth generation of life, many of begin to worry about memory loss. It’s one of the first signs of cognitive decline, and these common fears about memory loss can worsen quality of life. As we age, we gradually become more concerned with signs of early memory issues.
The research supports that we can control some aspects of aging, because learning and memory are preserved by healthy habits. The researchers also looked at genetics. Some individuals inherit copies of genes that give them a higher risk for memory loss (as carriers of the APOE ε4 allele). Healthy habits make a difference regardless of genetics. APOE ε4 carriers had a slower rate of memory decline if they had average- to high-amounts of healthy habits. And carriers show a slower rate of memory decline than those with few healthy habits and no genetic vulnerability.
This findings emphasize the importance of exercise. And the findings about that allele is similar to other reports, where researchers show that “physical activity may protect APOE-ε4 allele carriers” from losing brain functions related to memory.
If memory is so sensitive to healthy habits, then wouldn’t we see differences starting at younger ages?
The answer is yes, according to published studies. Some of the reasons for this are related directly to brain health. For example, did you know that regular exercise can improve blood flow to the brain? Blood flow matters because the brain has high metabolic demands. And it has been shown that in children, fitness level predicts better blood flow, specifically to brain areas that help us learn and remember. Exercise is an activity that stimulates many changes to the brain that enhance youth development.
We can begin to feel better within minutes to hours after making healthy changes. For example, there are many same-day benefits to wellbeing and mood just from the independent influence of eating more vegetables and fruit, embracing exercise, and getting more sleep in any 24-hour period. But what about memory?
Studies in children show that vigorous exercise causes acute benefits to memory. And even studies using moderate exercise reveal significant learning benefits in adolescents. Adults show similar benefits, because studies show that we can learn new terminology 20% faster after a workout than after a resting condition.
In addition to same-day benefits, several multi-week studies also show promising results. For example, a two-week study showed that brain blood flow can begin changing after practicing healthier habits. These habits included: increasing daily step count, avoiding sugar, more fiber, and engaging in stress-releasing activities. After two weeks, positron emission tomography (PET) scans revealed that those who embraced healthier habits had changed brain metabolism in regions that regulate memory! “In just 14 days, simple lifestyle changes can not only help overall health, but also improve memory and brain function,” explains one of the lead researchers. This shows just one way, through better blood flow, that healthy lifestyle habits can benefit memory.
It can be a challenge to get started when such a wide variety of healthy habits have proven benefits. One of the keys mentioned earlier is to find your personal solution, one that incorporates your preferences and schedule.
By prioritizing privacy, convenience, and personalization, Treo’s Whole-person platform gives you tools to discover your healthier lifestyle. Whether you are after better cognitive performance or have a specific goal in mind, Treo’s platform can help. Interested in how you and your team can learn more? Email us at
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