Incorporating vegetables into family mealtimes not only provides essential nutrients for growth and health but also creates opportunities for children to develop adventurous eating habits while sharing quality time around colorful, nourishing meals together.
Many are eager to adopt healthier eating habits, but introducing new vegetables can be difficult. 72% of parents want their family to eat more vegetables but are not yet taking action. Children often refuse new foods, especially if they are bitter or have a new texture. How can vegetables be introduced in a way that gains acceptance?
Our kids watch and notice how their parents respond to new foods at the table, including vegetables. Even your facial expression as you take a first bite yields information about whether a new item is worth trying. Parents can modify their food responses to help their children gain the confidence to try new foods.
The power of this technique was recently tested in children aged 4-6. A study compared how many times children would try raw broccoli, a food they had little experience eating. Children watched a video of adults eating broccoli, but one group watched a video with adults who had neutral responses, while another group watched adults with positive responses to eating broccoli. As you may expect, children were more willing to try raw broccoli after watching the adults who showed enjoyable facial expressions as they sampled broccoli
The lead researcher of the study explains, “Conveying food enjoyment gives the observer information about the safety and palatability of food. Children ate more broccoli after watching adults enjoy eating it because they believed it was enjoyable to eat.”
How much did more broccoli did they eat? Children who watched adults show positive responses ate more than twice as much raw broccoli.
These findings indicate that parents can enhance vegetable acceptance when they lead by example. Parents who convey their positive experiences with vegetables at the table may lower their children’s resistance to trying and eating vegetables.
Remember, produce is nutrient-dense, packing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber into every bite. Incorporating an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables into one’s diet is essential for promoting overall health.
Our children are growing up in a media-saturated environment. When you show your children enjoyment of vegetables, you help to counter the food ads your kids see every day. Billions are spent on food ads targeting kids because it works. Brand preferences start young, so companies are eager to secure future consumers with youth-specific advertisements.
The most common types of ads are for ultra-processed foods, which includes soda and most snack foods. These products often have added sugars and are low in fiber, so they are easy to overeat. They also offer low nutritional value compared to fruits and vegetables on a calorie-for-calorie basis.
If you are an eager parent who is ready to introduce more fruits and vegetables to their children, a new study on over 9,000 children found a significant association between the number of fruits and veggies in the diet and mental health. Importantly, the amount of these plant foods children ate predicted their level of wellbeing. The highest wellbeing scores were most likely to be attained eating 5 servings a day or more. This is consistent with public health campaigns that encourage adults to aim for at least 5 a day.
Food marketers are aware of the influence of watching someone eat with enjoyment. Many ads feature a person taking a first bite of the food or sipping their beverage, with the expression of pure joy spreading over their faces. This makes the product look more interesting, and marketers know that parent’s product selections are swayed by their children’s preferences.
The study above was limited to young children, but will this work for older children or even adults? As a tried-and-tested marketing strategy, showing enjoyment of an item is likely to work on all ages. Broccoli may be a tougher sell than junk food, but the research suggests it’s worth a try. Will you show your enjoyment to promote veggies with your family?
Getting the whole family to embrace vegetables is a journey that works best when approached with patience, creativity, and a spirit of adventure. Instead of forcing vegetables onto reluctant eaters, try involving everyone in the process. From selecting colorful produce at the market to helping wash, chop, and prepare dishes in the kitchen.
Experiment with different cooking methods and seasonings to find what appeals to each family member, whether it’s roasting vegetables to bring out their natural sweetness, blending them into favorite smoothies, or serving them with dips that make eating more interactive and fun.
Remember that children often need multiple exposures to new foods before accepting them, so maintain a positive attitude and celebrate small victories, like when someone tries just a bite of something new. By making vegetables a natural, no-pressure part of family meals and modeling an enthusiastic attitude toward healthy eating, you can gradually build more positive associations with vegetables for everyone at the table.
Treo has recipes available for kids and adults that are filled with fiber goodness of fruits and vegetables plus a variety of recipes using fresh, frozen, and canned produce. Watch this video to learn how to make a Sweet Potato and Black Bean Chili. Or try this Blooming Baked Apples recipe for a sweet treat dessert the whole family can enjoy!
If you’re interested in how your team can benefit from these resources, you can contact Treo at or schedule a demo here.
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