Prioritize Your Time for Improved Wellbeing

October 22, 2021
Mental Health

A “lack of time” is the most common reason we give for skipping self-care behaviors such as regular exercise. Time management helps you to prioritize what matters most and allows greater productivity

Here are some ways to help you optimize your time:

woman in bed hitting alarm clock


Ever sleep too little, and the next day feels especially hectic? That’s because inadequate sleep raises stress and reduces our ability to handle challenges. A consistent sleep schedule is crucial so you can follow-through on scheduled tasks. Try setting an alarm to head to bed in addition to waking up. Use a consistent bedtime routine to help you fall asleep each night. A bedtime routine is different for everyone but some ideas include: Read a book, brush your teeth, listen to relaxing music, or meditate.

man using iphone to make a facetime call


How do you spend most of your time? Be honest with yourself. Look at your web browsing history and the quantity of time you spend on your phone. Reflect on your daily routines to see where you are putting your energy. Is there is anything that can be done more efficiently, delegated, or removed entirely? Consider swapping phone scrolling for a phone call. Connecting with others can improve your mood and positive outlook.  

woman using a paper calendar to schedule tasks


What daily tasks matter most? Schedule time in a calendar and use reminders to ensure you can tick the top items off your list each day. Build in “buffer” periods 15 minutes before and after activities to give yourself time for the unexpected. Additionally, consider what type of tasks are on your list. Do the tasks require deep mental focus? The time of day you schedule your tasks impacts how well you complete them. If you are a morning person, scheduling tasks that require deep mental focus after 3p may not produce the best quality output. When prioritizing, think about your habits and personality. Consider the task at hand. Add things to your calendar based on when it makes the most sense for you.   

Plan & Review

Use a paper or digital calendar to organize upcoming events. Sharing this calendar with others can be useful to coordinate schedules. Resist the urge to over-schedule yourself. Be sure you’re scheduling down time, too. Prioritizing self-care by adding it to your calendar ensures you keep it top of mind.

woman doing meal prep with chicken and lemon

Revamp Routine  

Prepare for success with a re-vamped evening routine. Anticipate the next day’s challenges by packing your gym bag, setting out clothes, charging electronics, preparing food and snacks, and ensuring your crucial items (car keys, wallet, and phone) are in their designated locations! Build in time to relax to ensure you’re energized for the next day.  

Jill Woodward is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and a Nutrition Education Specialist. She has a Master’s in nutrition and dietetics and has worked in a variety of settings including hospitals and outpatient clinics. Jill has also worked with fortune 500 companies across the US on developing a culture of health in their corporate environments. Jill enjoys seeing people achieve their chosen health and wellness goals. Her evidence based approach helps individuals reach their goals as part of their unique lifestyle to successfully sustain their healthy habits.

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