How Overtraining Robs Your Exercise Gains

June 2, 2022

Athletes can develop overtraining syndrome. The main symptoms are fatigue and a declining physical performance.

How can we avoid overtraining, and still get the most out of an exercise program? The specific answer depends on the individual. Yet one general solution is appropriate for all: Balance your training and recovery.

What does a balanced program look like?

When you think of recovery, you may be tempted to simplify it down to time. Yes, we need time to recover. Other crucial elements are also needed: 



  • Stress: Even though exercise can alleviate some stress-related issues, exercise itself is a type of stressor. If your daily life includes major challenges, such as grief, loss, or interpersonal conflict, consider a lighter workout plan until your energy and motivation recover. Higher stress is often reported in athletes after injury, due to time constraints, and based on a desire to remain highly competitive. 

What changes when we overdo exercise training?

Exercise performance declines when we over-train. It is frustrating, especially for competitive individuals. And studies confirm that hormonal and inflammatory changes make exercise feel more effortful.  

  • Growth Hormone: The most consistent finding among overtraining studies is a reduction in Human Growth Hormone. This hormone may help us build muscle, so Growth Hormone is crucial for exercise adaptations!


  • Cortisol: Several studies point to higher cortisol during overtraining, though not all athletes may experience it. As a stress-related hormone, cortisol helps us cope with challenges. But when cortisol remains elevated, it impairs memory and can depress mood

Track your exercise program to change it:

One of the most important approaches for every athlete is to track their workouts and other aspects of self-care. This can include their sleep, nutrition, and stress-releasing habits. Low-intensity workouts offer mental and physical health benefits

The Treo whole-person platform provides a quick and easy way of tracking daily behaviors. These habits are customizable, so members only work on the habits that matter most to them. By connecting daily behaviors to mood and workout performance helps athletes to adjust their routine to suit their evolving needs. For more information email 

As Treo’s Global Wellness Researcher, Karlie uses recent research findings to support healthier daily habits. Karlie earned her doctorate in Neuroscience and Behavior and bachelors in Health and Exercise Science.

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