New year, new goals, new opportunities. The turn of the calendar brings a sense of new beginnings for numerous people. This year, many are considering new ways to incorporate daily habits that uplift their mental wellbeing. But how will you start? It is important to take a step back. Start by evaluating your daily behaviors and what you want to focus on changing in the year ahead. Try these three things to help empower your wellbeing in the coming year!
Did you know deep breathing exercises have a positive effect on the mind and body? Deep breathing can reduce stress and anxiety in daily life. Practicing breathing techniques can help to relax the mind, bringing a sense of awareness to the present moment. There are many ways to practice deep breathing.
Here is a simple practice to get started.
Sit still with no distractions in a quiet place. Choose a place that brings a sense of peace and calm to you. Sit quietly for about five to ten minutes. Take a few deep breaths, feeling your belly rise and fall, shoulders relaxed. With your eyes closed, slowly count to four as you inhale through your nose, hold your breath for a count of four and slowly exhale your breath for a count of four. This box breathing method is a technique used to help reduce stress and provide mental clarity.
As you are practicing breathing techniques, to increase metal clarity and awareness, take the moment to look within and create visions of what you would like to accomplish in the new year. Think of goals, both big and small, that you would like to achieve. There are no right or wrong answers and there is no judgement. Speak these goals and positive thoughts quietly to yourself. Taking this moment in silence helps us to reflect on where we are and where we want to go.
A study from the Harvard Business Review shows that taking a moment in silence can help gather your thoughts through deeper listening and helping to awake your own intuition. Adding a daily mediation or mindfulness practice into your routine can make a significant impact on your wellbeing. Just a few minutes a day practicing a breathing technique and reflecting on yourself can bring about meaningful change. Research reveals that deep breathing and mindfulness is significantly connected with more positive thinking, overall wellbeing and life satisfaction.
Daily journaling is a way to express your thoughts, intentions, goals and stories. It is a way of expression for our own self. When we write down what we want, we are being specific to our intentions. Writing and tracking your intentions can support your follow through. Journaling provides us with a sense of self-acceptance and understanding, allowing us to move towards our ideal self. Personal journals give way to both personal and professional growth and development.
Daily journaling can help identify small wins, goals that have been accomplished and a deeper dive into goals we want to attain. A recent study suggests that engaging in journal writing improves psychological wellbeing, improving personal growth and increasing self-awareness. Take a few minutes each day to write down your daily goals, positive affirmations, intentions and notes. This is a simple self-care activity that makes you feel relaxed and centered can have major impacts on your overall health.
Journaling regularly enables deeper self-awareness as you tune into patterns of thinking. It helps process stress, anxiety, and emotional breakthroughs through a judgement-free dumping of sentiments onto the page. Whenever you feel stagnant or disconnected from your truths, refer back to past journal entries to rediscover your inner light.
Through the process of deep breathing and journaling, it may be easy to point out what has not been going right. Focus on the positives and be kind to yourself.
Setbacks help to create the strength and resiliency to keep moving forward. It is important to not get discouraged on days that might be challenging. Treating yourself with kindness, care, and compassion is vital for your overall wellbeing. When faced with failures or setbacks, pause and teach yourself to be supportive instead of self-critical. Speak encouragingly to yourself, as you would a close friend. This type of self-care practice enhances resilience to challenges, whereas self-judgement fuels stress. Shape your inner world with care through loving words and acceptance.
The inner voice we subject ourselves to each day shapes our reality and self-perception profoundly. Make the choice to override cruel internal criticisms with actively compassionate self-talk. Repeated kind words and practicing a daily mindfulness practice has shown to rewire neural pathways towards self-confidence and acceptance. If you do have tough days, write it down and make a note of what helped to move forward. Personal growth happens when we focus on the good things that happened because even for every challenge in a day, there are at least one or two good things that are more important to focus on.
Allow yourself time for renewal through small daily, self-care acts like deep breathing, soothing music, journaling or laughing throughout the day. Give yourself permission to rest when needed. Remember to care for yourself and tell yourself positive words. Self-care enables deeper connections, clarity of purpose, and living authentically. This helps you to be your best self. You are worth the same gentle uplift you offer to others.
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