Better Sleep Quality for Better Work Performance

July 31, 2023
Workplace Wellness

How we sleep at night can influence our performance the next day. It affects how we feel, the foods we eat, and our energy levels. A recent study shows that 50 to 70 million Americans chronically suffer from sleep disorders, hindering daily functioning and adversely affecting health and longevity. 

Adults require 7 or more hours of sleep. However, of adults are getting less than that. Signs of sleep deprivation include drowsiness, poor focus and memory, mood swings, and reduced physical strength. It increases your risk for mental illness, depression, stroke, obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

As an employer, it can be costly as a result of absences and reduced performance; $1,967 per employee and 1.23 million lost in working days per year. Other costs stem from workers’ compensations and healthcare costs after injuries, illness, and accidents.  A survey showed that 46% of US worksites have some kind of workplace health program. However, few are comprehensive with little focus on sleep quality. For example, a 2017 survey showed that 11.74% of the companies that participated in the survey reported having a sleep program. 

As an employer, be proactive and incorporate these five strategies such as:

  1. Educational Newsletters: educate employees about sleep and its effects. Discuss and promote sleep hygiene at home to improve sleep quality.
  2. Training for Leadership: train your team of leaders to recognize signs of fatigue and sleep deprivation. Include strategies to minimize fatigue-related accidents.
  3. Designated Rest Spaces: incorporate spaces that allow for breaks or naps. These can be extremely beneficial for healthcare workers or those working long shifts.
  4. Employee-Centered Culture: encourage employees to verbalize if they are experiencing fatigue. This may affect the safety and productivity of all involved.
  5. Activities in the Workplace: create time spaces where employees are able to attend on-site or virtual sessions. Yoga, stretching, or workout classes, such as those provided in the Treo Wellness platform, can also promote team bonding.

How does quality sleep at home influence work performance?

Here are some simple tips to help:

  • Be consistent. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same times daily.
  • Get comfortable. Sleep in a quiet and dark space with a comfortable temperature.
  • Disconnect before bed. Avoid electronics and opt for more relaxing options such as reading a book or listening to an audio meditation.
  • Watch your intake. Avoid tobacco and limit caffeine during the later hours of the day. Limit your alcohol intake and avoid large meals before sleeping.
  • Move your body. Stay active and try to keep intense physical activities to daytime hours.

We often neglect the importance of quality sleep. Take some time to look into areas of improvement, whether at home or at work. If you are sleeping the recommended hours and waking up feeling tired or not refreshed, work closely with your primary care provider to learn more.

Treo Wellness provides the tools to incorporate healthier habits for better sleep quality and overall health. Treo offers evidence-driven tools for behavior change and mental resilience. Some of our sleep-supporting options include sleep stories, breathwork videos and progressive relaxation videos, habit-building tools, mindfulness practices, and soothing soundscapes. We also offer goal-setting and sleep-tracking options, along with the support of a Certified Wellness Coach, to ensure your team can make progress on their personal health goals.

Interested in learning how your team can benefit from these engaging options? Send us an email with your needs and interests at

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